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Fire in bunker at atomic weapons site in Aldermaston

"A fire broke out at the atomic weapons base which maintains warheads for the UK's Trident nuclear deterrent."

Category: Weapons


UK's largest coal-fired power plant could switch to biomass within 10 years

"Drax will only go ahead if the government agrees to grant renewable subsidies to such converted coal plants"

Category: Energy sources


Clean water bottle wins UK leg of James Dyson Award

"A bottle that uses ultraviolet light to sterilise drinking water has won the UK leg of the James Dyson Award."


Scientists warn of global warming threat to marine food chain

"Numbers of phytoplankton - the microscopic organisms that sustain the marine food chain - are plummeting as sea surface temperatures rise"

Category: Climate Change


Global warming pushes 2010 temperatures to record highs

"Scientists from two leading climate research centres publish 'best evidence yet' of rising long-term global temperatures "

Category: Climate Change

Displaying results 601 to 605 out of 2977